Taste and See…

I was at a restaurant in Cambodia, so hungry and yearning for a good meal.

Choosing the food to eat was the problem. No one at the restaurant knew how to speak English. In Camdodia they speak Khmer – a language so completely foreign as it has its own alphabet system. Next the waiter dropped a menu on the table.Alas, it had no pictures but strings of unknwon symbols!…Well, together with my host we walked to where they cooked. There close by was another menu with pictures. But these foods were still strange. We needed to smell and taste them to know them!

The smell was good.We saw the rice, the meat, the vegetables and pointed out what was to be put on our plates. We tasted the meals and they were great!…Isnt this like our Christian walk?

One can never comprehend God by merely reading about Him. No amount of theology can truly inform someone about the nature of God. One needs to TASTE and SEE that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). Just as one can never warm himself with a painted fire (no matter how good the art work is), so one can never be converted by a ‘historical God’. He is called “I AM”, not “I was” or “I will be.” You need to know Him in the PRESENT!

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